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3 ways to creatively advertise your brand for free

Published on
November 3, 2020
Written by Scott Lancaster
Entrepreneur & Branding Expert
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Advertising - a must for your brand

Businesses around the world have spent over $300 billion on advertising in the year 2020.
Of course, creating a product that solves problems is why businesses exist.

Marketing those products is just as important.

Your business probably has a tiny percentage of the global ad spend for this year.

Every business owners understands the importance of advertising their products, as it pushes sales and ultimately creates exposure for their brand.

However, there are ways you can creatively spread the word about your brand without spending a dime.

This isn't a shortcut to overnight marketing success.

As a matter of fact, it takes time and deliberate effort.

But if you need to market your brand, and you are on a tight budget, then these three tips would help you out.

Picking the right social media platform

Yeah, you may call it digital marketing!

More specifically, social media.

But building a presence on social media ensures that you are connected and engaged with your target audience.

However, your competitors also understand the importance of social media in reaching out to your audience.

They are also jostling for engagement.

So making social media count for your brand means you have to stand out.

And you stand out by creating content for your audience, pushing through with your brand tone and voice.

More importantly, you have to pick the right social media platform for your brand.

Focus on the platforms that are on sync with your brand.

If you run a fashion brand, your top two social media platforms should be Instagram and Pinterest.

And if you're a B2B business, LinkedIn is the perfect platform for you.

Every social media platform has a slightly different audience in terms of the content they run, your task, is to leverage on these platforms.

If you're interested in learning how to launch a digital business (step by step), click here to learn more about our Digital Launch Fast Track course

Rewarding your loyal customers

Your loyal customers are the lifeblood of your business.

They guarantee and generate repeated purchases, and they help advertise your products and brands by word of mouth or reviews, all for free.

Rewarding them is an inexpensive marketing tactic to amplify your brand and its products.

Appreciating your repeat customers for their loyalty is the perfect way to both enhance customer loyalty (check here for other ways) and help the spread the word about your brand.

The rewards can come in form of a customer loyalty program, or a simple discount on products they buy.

This is a sure way of ensuring your customers are appreciated, and they in turn, would organically spread the word.

Quality content

Through content marketing, everyone can get to know your brand.

What exactly is content?

Kristina Halverson, CEO of Brain Traffic says "content is the entire user experience".

Any medium or way you communicate to your customers and target audience about your brand or product is content.

It might be to educate, or entertain, or possibly a mix of both.

Content aims to help your audience, even without them using your products.

When a brand posts content that helps and entertains its audience, over time, it becomes the brand that helps people.

That right there is free organic advertising even money can't buy.

But the catch is, the content your brand puts out has to be quality. Images, videos and articles have to be Inspirational and genuine.

For images, there are tons of free tools online that you can use, with apps like Snapseed and Canva, you get to make quality images for your brand.

The amount of money companies and businesses are going to keep spending on advertising is not reducing anytime soon.

However your business can take advantage of free tools and techniques to promote your brand and products.

Reaching out to your audience has never been easier and cheaper, all you need is time, and intentional effort.

If you're interested in learning how to create a memorable brand identity which will stand out in your market place, check out our Brand Identity Creation course

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