Personal Development
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3 ways to prime your mind and find focus

Published on
September 30, 2020
Written by Scott Lancaster
Entrepreneur & Branding Expert
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How to become laser focused

I haven't met an entrperenuar yet who doesn't want to be more focused.

Whether that be on work, or spending time with family.

In order to make the most of our time, it's really important to understand how to sometimes look no further than what's directly in front of us.

This simply ensures we make the most of every given opportunity.

So here are 3 things I do on a daily basis to ensure I stay focused on the things that matter and make great progress over the long term:.

The 90/20 rule

This is something I discovered reading Nick Littlehales' book on sleep.

He mentioned thinking about sleeping in 90 minute cycles (or at least taking a break every 90 minutes when working throughout the day).

This got me thinking about times when I often become fatigued and tired during the day after focusing on tasks for long periods of time.

So I started experimenting and scheduling my days to be focused around 90 minutes of time blocks to foley focus on a task (or collection of related smaller tasks).

After every 90 minute cycle, I take a 20 minute or so break (or very often have a 20 minute nap).

The result, at least in my experience, is better focus during the 90 minute periods and also a more sustainable level of focus during the day.

Try it for a day or two, I would highly recommend it.

Set Small Rewards

This is a little trick I use to help me get tasks done faster, so it also helps me focus too.

I set myself rewards if I finish certain taks within a timeframe.

This could be buying some new clothes or as small as a cookie.

The level of the reward is simply related to the intensity and size of the task. Bigger effort equals bigger reward.

It works a treat (quite literally).

If you're interested in learning how to create a better balance between your work and personal life, check out our Work Life Harmony course

Pottering in the morning

I'm not sure about you, but I really value my pottering time in the mornings.

I like spending time with my girlfriend and dog. Drinking coffee and getting licked to death (from my dog, just incase that wasn't obvious).

This time in the morning allows me to warm to the day in a nice gentle way. It's not too intensive, so I burn myself out too early.

It allows me to review my day and enjoy some me time before 'going into battle'.

Having that time just helps me prime my mind and prepare for the challenges of the day.

And if the rest of the day is stressful and challenging, at least I got to enjoy the morning.

So all is not lost.

I hope these tips on focus help

Just a short simple post, but I genuinely hope these hacks help you achieve a better level of focus in your own life.

Let me know if you try any of them. I'd love to hear from you.

If you're interested in learning how to work towards financial freedom, check out our Master Your Money course

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