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How to enhance your customer's loyalty for free

Published on
October 29, 2020
Written by Scott Lancaster
Entrepreneur & Branding Expert
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Enhancing customer loyalty for free

In 1899, St Elmo Lewis developed a model that outlined a theoretical customer journey from the moment a product piqued their interest to the point of purchasing the product.

This model is referred to as the AIDA model, which stands for;

  • Awareness: when the customer becomes aware of the existence of the product or service.
  • Interest: actively interested in a product or service.
  • Desire: aspiring to purchase a product
  • Action: taking a step towards purchasing the product.

This funnel aims to track the journey of a customer, from when he or she is unaware about the product, to finally becoming a customer. 

However, as times have progressed, new variations to the funnel have been added, and the most important happens the second after the customer makes the purchase.

As a business it will always cost you more to attract new customers than to retain your current customers. It’s also important to note your current customers are likelier to spend up to 60% more on your products and services than new ones.

What is customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is a measure of your customer's willingness to repeatedly purchase products or services from your business. 

Key phrase being ‘repeated purchase’. 

A loyal customer would be willing to keep buying from your brand, based on the previous experiences they have had with it.

A customer’s loyalty should form the basis of your sales plan, Your business should aspire to attract customers, make them happy and retain them.


Because customers tend to spend more money time buying from brands they are loyal to.

They will also help advertise your products or brand for free through online reviews and by word of mouth. 

Repeat customers earn you more revenue over a longer period of time, than one time big spenders. 

Simply put, loyal customers are better for your business over the long term.

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How can you enhance customer loyalty for free?

Start with how you treat your customers

Every customer loves to be understood and catered for. By being empathetic to their demands (and not just simply selling your products) you are developing a positive energy between your customers and your brand. If your brand has a great customer service culture, it will naturally translate into healthier customer loyalty.

Use a point-based model loyalty scheme

Coffee shops use this method all the time. 

Repeat customers get to earn points with the purchases they make. These points can then be then converted into discounts, free gifts or added value deals.

A great and simple way to keep the customers coming back again and again. 

Adopt personalised emails

Sending happy birthday wishes, personalised greeting emails or free product consultations will always make your customer feel valued.

Being in constant communication builds a bridge of trust and loyalty. 

Basically, if you go the extra mile and really put your customer first (in a personal way), the effort will be reciprocated. 

Encourage reviews

Encouraging reviews from customers fosters transparency and emphasizes your commitment to them.

At the best least, you’ll get some negative feedback which can be translated into improving your service or offering. 

Good reviews however can attract new prospects to your brand, therefore helping you acquire new customers in a far more affordable and organic way.

Ultimately, the perfect way to enhance customer loyalty for your brand is to offer the best version of your product or service and keep your customers needs and personal expectations in mind. 

If you regularly exceed your customers expectations, you’re going to be able to keep your customers loyal for longer. Helping you enjoy long term revenue a profit growth as a result. 

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