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How to find the perfect fonts for your brand

Published on
September 2, 2020
Written by Scott Lancaster
Entrepreneur & Branding Expert
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Why is font selection important?

In simple terms, it’s because as customers, we perceive and judge brands based on how they look. We can’t help ourselves, it’s in our nature.

If something looks good, we want it.

If a font is unappealing then we probably won’t be inclined to be their customer.

We do this because we want to make sure our hard-earned money isn’t going to be wasted on something that doesn’t meet our expectations. Fonts help us judge many things, one being a company’s credibility and ability to deliver on our expectations.

If we feel like we’re getting value proportionate to what we spent, then it will likely meet our expectations.

A brand should have two fonts: the main font, and complimentary font. The main font is for headers and sub-headers. Use this font when you want to capture your reader’s attention. Your complimentary font is used for general content, such as normal text on a leaflet or your website copy. This helps them stand out from one another.

One compliments the other.

Now you have a solid idea of why and how we use fonts, you should be ready to choose the best fonts for your brand. Remember to choose fonts that align with your brand and vision.

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When choosing your fonts, all you need to do is follow 3 very simple rules:

  1. Your head font should be similar to the font used in your logo.
  2. Your header and content font should be different.
  3. It must be easy to read.

This last rule is important, so please refrain from choosing something that looks like it’s just been freshly crafted by Shakespeare after 12 espressos. Keep things simple.

To help you find the exact fonts you need, we’ve selected 5 awesome combinations for you to choose from. Along with this, we give you guidance on what type of font a particular brand should use.

You should have all the best fonts out there already on your computer, but we have also collected a selection of specially chosen font combinations that are 100% free to download and use. These fonts will give you a good head start and help you start thinking in terms of your overall brand.

The links to secure any of the fonts showcased in this masterclass can be found in the description.


The Nova selection is perfect for brands that want to be seen as fashionable and timeless. It is elegant and professional, but also interesting.

Julius Sans One / Archivo Narrow



Parker is the perfect balance between modern and classical. The two are different in character, but complement each other in regards to simplicity and sheer timelessness.

League Spartan / Libre Baskerville



Dillon is a modern combination, using a bolder main font and a thinner more modern font to complement it. This helps guide the viewer’s eyes when reading text. This font is perfect for any company looking to come across as approachable and professional.

Bebas Neue / Montserrat



Lucy is the only selection to use just one font for both the main and complementary font. The reason we can do this is the bolder version of the font almost has a completely different look to the regular option. This font is perfect for a brand that wants to come across as charming and down to earth.

Playfair Display



Organi is perfect for brands that want to give an authentic, organic or even an outdoor message. The bold rounded presence of Norwester gives an approachable and real feel, whilst Montserrat keeps the combination current and clean.

Norwester / Montserrat

Each combination has its own strengths and benefits, so select the one that ‘feels’ right for your brand.

Remember to use your gut. If one doesn’t feel right, try another instead. If you’re feeling creative, feel free to mix and match them to create a unique combination of your own.

Simply use these set combinations as a tried and tested guide. Before you know it, your brand will come together.

Once you have selected the fonts of your dreams, we’d love you to reach out to us and tell us which ones you used! Our goal is to provide you with actionable tips that you can implement right away to improve how your brand comes across.

We appreciate you for sticking around until the end of this blog. Don’t worry, we have more content coming out soon to take your brand to the next level. We would love it if you shared this blog post if you felt like you got some value out of it.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right fonts is important to your overall brand
  • Customers judge a brand based on how it looks, so make it stand out.
  • Make sure to choose fonts that compliment each other
  • Go with your 'gut' when choosing a font and play around with different combinations
  • Each font has its own strengths so pick the one that 'feels' right for your brand

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