Turn your Brand Design Skills into a Steady Freelance Income

Earn a predictable monthly income as a brand designer, whether you are freelancing as a side-hustle or wanting to eventually become a full-time freelance designer.

Build a pipeline of clients to make extra money so you can spend more time with loved ones, live a secure & happy life and work on exciting projects with clients who love your creativity.

Brand Designer Pro Community Members

Why designers love Brand Designer Pro

Hear from real designers who share their experience about Brand Builder Pro.
"Joining Brand Designer Pro has been a game-changer! I finally have a steady stream of clients and a solid process that saves me time. My portfolio looks cohesive across all platforms, and the client management tools are fantastic. I feel organized and ready to take on more work."
Brand Designer
“I was struggling to land my first client and juggle my workload. Brand Designer Pro provided me with a structured approach and a pipeline of clients, which helped me go freelance full-time. The automated workflows and client management tools are a huge time-saver!”
Brand Website Designer
“You really helped me. The courses were really useful. I learnt a lot with you because you do lessons with a lot of feeling and I identify with it. I'm completing all the courses and have invested a lot of time which is now paying off.”
Brand Designer
“Before Brand Designer Pro, my portfolio was all over the place. Now, it’s consistent and professional across Fiverr, Behance, and my website. Plus, I’m finally able to manage clients and projects efficiently. It’s been a huge relief to have a clear, organized system.”
Brand Designer
“I was overwhelmed by building a website and managing clients. Brand Designer Pro gave me a streamlined process and effective tools for project management. My income is steady, and I’m finally on track to freelancing full-time. The support from fellow designers is invaluable.”
Brand Designer
“Finding answers to my challenges used to be hit or miss. Brand Designer Pro provided the right lessons and tools to solve my biggest issues, from client acquisition to workflow automation. It’s organized my process and saved me tons of time.”
Brand Designer
“I needed a reliable way to manage multiple clients and keep my portfolio looking sharp. Brand Designer Pro’s systems and tools made everything easier and more structured. I’m less stressed and more focused on growing my freelance career.”
Brand Strategist
“Brand Designer Pro has been amazing for my freelance business. I have a steady client pipeline now, and the automated workflows are a game-changer. My portfolio is consistent, and I finally feel in control of my projects and income.”
Brand Strategist
“Brand Designer Pro was exactly what I needed to get my freelance business in order. I was struggling with too many clients and a chaotic process. The tools and systems provided have made everything more efficient and organized. Highly recommend!”
Brand Designer
“My portfolio and client management were all over the place until I joined Brand Designer Pro. Now, everything is consistent and streamlined. The client pipeline and project management tools have transformed how I work and helped me earn a steady income.”
Brand Strategist
“I was drowning in website building and client management issues. Brand Designer Pro offered a plug-and-play solution that simplified everything. I now have a steady stream of clients, and my portfolio looks great across all platforms. It’s been a huge relief.”
Brand Designer
“Brand Designer Pro has been a lifesaver. I used to struggle with finding clients and keeping my portfolio consistent. Now, I have a solid system for managing projects and an organized workflow that has boosted my efficiency and income.”
Brand Designer
“I was overwhelmed with balancing too many tasks and clients. Brand Designer Pro provided me with a structured approach and automated tools that have made my work much more manageable. My portfolio now looks professional across all platforms.”
Brand Strategist
“Getting my freelance business organized was a challenge until I joined Brand Designer Pro. It’s helped me land clients, streamline my workflow, and make my portfolio look cohesive. I’m now more efficient and focused on growing my business.”
Brand Designer
“I was stuck in a chaotic process with no clear direction. Brand Designer Pro offered a structured approach and essential tools that have transformed my workflow. My client pipeline is steady, and my portfolio looks great everywhere.”
Brand Designer
“Before Brand Designer Pro, I struggled with finding the right tools and lessons for my freelance business. Now, I have a steady stream of clients and an efficient, organized process. The community support has also been fantastic for sharing struggles and solutions.”
Brand Strategist

Build your brand with complete confidence.

Brand Builder Pro is a year long program designed to help ambitious entrepreneurs build a profitable brand that stands out in their market.

Brand Guidelines

You'll effortlessly create a professional brand guideline document which covers every aspect of your brand's visual & strategic communication. Keeping your brand on track.

1-Day Website Pack

Build a fully functioning website ready to generate sales in just one day. Choose from a wide range of conversion focused designs specific to your strategic objectives and industry.

Effortless Sales

We trust brands that feel credible. It makes customers comfortable spending money with you. We make sure your brand looks and feels right so customers feel good buying from you.

Budget Marketing

Get customers and pay nothing for advertising. Learn innovative marketing methods that get you more customers with less spend and effort, even with zero budget.

True Brand Pride

You are building special company. So you should be proud of the brand you create. This program guarantees a brand that you can be proud to share with the world.

Brand Perfect

Have every key element of your brand perfect before going to market. This will help customers trust your brand easier and be more willing to buy from you.

25,000+ entrepreneurs helped so far...

Over 25,000+ entrepreneurs have benefited from Brand Builder Pro.

Here's what a few had to say about their experience.

Brand Designer Pro shows you how to earn and grow a steady monthly freelance income as a creative brand designer.

The program covers all areas of brand design & freelancing including:

Get a steady flow of clients eager to work with you and pay for your services.
Create a unique and personalised freelance website that helps create a steady stream of new clients.
Be fully confident in your sales call skills and learn in a safe space during 1-on-1 sales training calls.
Show the world the true you as we build your personal brand to show why clients should work with you.
Collect hundreds of positive video testimonials to help you win new exciting projects easily in future.
Attract high quality clients by creating compelling a portfolio to show your creative expertise.
Use proven pricing strategies to sell more services at a higher price and build up your nest egg of savings.
get paid in full every single time with full access to our legal templates & agreements tailored for designers.
Learn from a world-class strategic brand design expert so you can provide more value to your clients.
Grow a Pipeline of Quality Clients

Better Clients. More Income.

Unlock your potential as a freelance brand designer with our proven strategies. Whether you're looking to elevate your current client base or start fresh, we provide the tools to attract high-quality clients and increase your earnings.
Showcase your Work with Ease

Portfolio Perfect. Everywhere.

Our solution streamlines your showcase across Fiverr, Dribbble, Behance, and your website. Access easy-to-use templates and mock-up packs to display your work flawlessly. We provide examples of well-presented projects and links to top showcase examples for inspiration.
Dashboard mockup
Effortless Website & Marketing Funnels

Lead Flow Plug & Play

Our plug & play approach to lead generation means you can set up all your freelance systems, a beautifully designed website and work-flows in no time. Get everything in place to make attracting, nurturing and winning new clients easy and simple, with minimal effort.
Transforming designers into super confident freelance branding specialists

Apply for Brand Designer Pro Today

Invest and earn more steady freelance income as a brand designer.
Automate Getting New Clients
Always have new clients ready to work with you. So you can pick and choose how much you want to earn by selected how many projects you work on each month. Giving you the choice to make just enough income or work more and boost your savings.
Join a Supportive Community of Brand Designers
Join other ambitious brand designers whoare ll fcsed onacieeing tei full potential. Share your work for feedback and wor through problems with other designers who can share your worldview and share ideas on how to move past obstacles and reach your goals.
Accelerate Progress with Private Coaching Sessions
Learn from Brand Designers who have already been throughthejorne you are about to start. They already have the answers to painful challenges and can help you get the results you need far faster through personalised workshops and private coaching sessions.

Brand Designer Pro

Try Brand Designer Pro free by clicking below.
Everything you'll get from Brand Designer Pro.
Create a Flow of Steady Income Every Month
Grow Project Rates & Personal Savings
Attract a Pipeline of High-Quality Clients
Get Paid Upfront Before Starting Projects
Get a Supercharged Lead Generating Website
Learn World-Class Brand Design Skills
Create a Strong & Unique Personal Brand
Build Confidence in Client Sales Calls
Build a Perfectly Polished Portfolio
Get Invaluable Client Video Testimonials

Memberships to empower your brand building journey

Limited All Access Promotion

Access to every Lancaster Academy course & resources.

*only 13 places remaining
Get 30 Day Free Trial

Plus Membership

Perfect for entrepreneurs that value learning with others as a community
Sold Out

Pro Membership

Perfect for entrepreneurs who want to accelerate thier brand building   through private coaching
Sold Out
What each membership includes
Access to Brand Builder Pro Program
Personal Brand Website Building Courses
Freelance Sales & Negotiation Training Course
Zero-Budget Marketing Course
Full Access to All Premium Courses & Programs
Freelance Digital Resources & Templates
No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
Support & Coaching
Technical Support
Brand Building Advice & Support
Brand Building Accelerator Workshops Sessions
Live Branding Group Q&A Sessions
All Live Q&A and Workshops Recordings
Private Brand Building Coaching
Private Monthly Brand Goal & Objective Session


Basic features for up to 10 users with everything you need.
Get started


Advanced features and reporting, better workflows and automation.
Get started


Personalised service and enterprise security for large teams.
Get started
Basic features
Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API access
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
Promotion All Access Membership
Access to every Lancaster Academy course & resources. *Limited to next 200 students.
Brand Builder Pro Program
Access to all other courses
Unlimited resource downloads
Chat & email support
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Plus Membership
Perfect for brand builders that value learning with others as a community together
Brand Builder Pro Program
Access to all other courses
Unlimited resource downloads
Chat & email support
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Brand building advice & support
Brand building Q&A sessions
Pro Membership
Perfect for brand builders who want to  create an iconic brand with experts & private mentors
Brand Builder Pro Program
Access to all other courses
Unlimited resource downloads
Chat & email support
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Brand building advice & support
Brand building Q&A sessions
Live Pro branding workshops
Live recordings of all sessions
Private freelance coaching
Monthly goal setting session

Get sales faster

Go to market with complete confidence that you are fully prepared and ready to present your brand to the world.

Trust from day one

A customer's trust is won by a brand walking the walk and looking the part. Inspire trust with customers from day 1.

More sales. More profit.

We pay more for desirable brands. The better your brand, the more you will sell and the more you can charge.

Complete confidence

Have total confidence that you don't miss a single detail when it comes to building your brand.

Expert guidance

Supported by entrepreneurs who've already built successful brands, you can always be assured you're in good hands.

Build at your pace

Our step-by-step approach to branding makes sure you cover everything you need to know, at your own pace.

Make sure Brand Designer Pro is the right for you.

Still unsure if Brand Designer Pro is perfect for you?

Find answers to important questions here.

Explain Brand Designer Pro to me...

Inside Brand Designer Pro you’ll discover the secrets to making more money doing freelance brand design work. So you can create a healthy pipeline of new clients to make extra income or go full time as a freelance brand designer.

What does Brand Designer Pro cover?

We cover everything you need to start earning a steady & predictable income as a freelance brand designer, including:

Attracting a healthy pipeline of new clients with ease

Building a lead generating website
Making a steady income doing freelance brand design work
Win more projects with 1-on-1 sales training
Build a unique personal brand for yourself
How to get 5* reviews from every client
Perfect your portfolio to win new exciting projects
Earn more freelance income and grow your personal savings
Get paid upfront every time with our legal templates
Learn world class strategic brand design skills

And so, so much more...

Is Brand Designer Pro right for me?

If you are a brand designer who wants to earn a steady freelance income as extra money or create a full-time reliable freelance salary, Brand Designer Pro is perfect for you.

We've helped 2100+ brand designers who wanted to create a nice flow of new clients so they can live life on their own terms, save more money and even quit their day job to do freelancing full-time.

Brand Designer Pro will help you understand how to create a stream of new clients who are eager to work with you so you can pick and choose how much you want to earn each month and which projects you find exciting to work on.

Brand Designer Pro will not work if...

❌ You have zero experience in brand design or design.

❌ You have no interest in brand design.

❌ You’re looking for a magic pill and expect to be paid by established clients without putting in any effort.

❌ You are not open to learning new techniques, strategies and methods of winning new clients and making money.

❌ You don't have 2 hours a week (minimum) to invest in building your freelance income.

Brand Designer Pro will work if...

✅ You are a designer who is interested in branding and wanted to make more money through creative services.

✅ You’re willing to gradually step outside of your comfort zone to learn new things and earn more money using new methods of income generation.

✅ You’re willing to dedicate at least 2 hours a week to building your freelance business to gradually build a steady flow of new clients.

✅ You understand that the traditional ways of earning money is changing and you can learn how to make extra income as a freelance designer if you follow our step-by-step process.

Does the program include live coaching calls?

Yes, the program is built around live 1-on-1 coaching sessions, dedicated course content and VIP email support.

How long does this program take?

You can take the program at your own pace. Some designers like to take their time. Others like to get through the mini-practice projects and program as fast as they can because they want to start earning as much as possible as soon as possible. So it can take the program at your own pace.

Should I plan for additional expenses?

There is no need for additional payments during the program. Once you're in... You're in.

Transform your design skills into
a pipeline of quality clients